From Unknown to Unstoppable: How a Side Project Catapulted into Costco and Raked in $3 Million in One Year, Defying All Odds in the Business World

Her Side Hustle Landed in Costco and Made $3 Million Last Year Even Though She 'Didn't Know Anything About Running a Business'

Entrepreneur Spotlight: Love+Chew Founder Lauren Chew

Embark on a journey of entrepreneurial inspiration as we delve into the success story of Lauren Chew, the ingenious mind behind the plant-based cookie brand Love+Chew. Witness the remarkable growth of Chew’s venture from a humble $1 million to an impressive $3 million in 2023, with projections soaring to $5-6 million this year. Discover the insights and wisdom distilled from Chew’s entrepreneurial odyssey.

Origins of the Entrepreneur

In the nascent stages of her entrepreneurial endeavor, Lauren Chew’s professional landscape was adorned with vibrant hues of the renewable energy sector. Engaged in sales and business development at Stem, a dynamic startup, Chew honed her skills amidst the dynamic energy terrain. Prior to this, she served as an executive assistant at SolarCity (Tesla), laying the foundational stones for her entrepreneurial aspirations. Drawn by the allure of entrepreneurship, Chew recognized the intrinsic value of gaining sales acumen within the intimate confines of a startup, thus crafting a robust foundation for her future endeavors.

Inspiration Beckons

The inception of Chew’s side hustle germinated from a profound love for baking, a passion deeply ingrained in her essence. A fervent adoption of a plant-based lifestyle planted the seeds of innovation within Chew’s culinary domain. Exploring the realm of vegan egg substitutes, Chew’s creativity blossomed. Leveraging the versatile chia seeds as a binding agent in plant-based baking, she crafted a delightful array of treats. Infusing her recipes with nutrient-rich components such as dates, Chew presented a delectable twist to conventional confectionaries.

Pioneering Steps

The commencement of Chew’s entrepreneurial voyage witnessed her orchestrating culinary symphonies within the sanctum of her kitchen. Securing a home cottage license, she ventured into the culinary arena armed with an array of delectable cookies. Pioneering a grassroots approach, Chew tantalized local taste buds with flavorful samples at grocery stores, coffee shops, and corporate hubs. A serendipitous turn of events, marked by a sizable corporate order, catalyzed the transformation of Love+Chew from a homegrown venture to a burgeoning enterprise.

Overcoming Adversities

The tumultuous terrain of the food distribution realm posed formidable challenges for Chew. Negotiating the labyrinthine pathways of a distribution network biased towards extended shelf lives, she navigated the murky waters of retail acumen. Thrust into a realm rife with low profit margins and volatility in commodity pricing, Chew exemplified resilience in the face of industry exigencies. The recent upheaval in cocoa pricing mirrored the challenges that underscored Chew’s journey in the fiercely competitive food market.

Unveiling Revenue Horizons

The evolution of Chew’s side hustle into a revenue-generating powerhouse unveiled a horizon adorned with consistent monthly earnings. Venturing into the retail arena during the tumult of Covid, Love+Chew witnessed a surge in orders, establishing a solid foothold in Sprouts, Whole Foods Market, and select Costcos. The annals of Chew’s entrepreneurial narrative resonated with a resonating revenue stream, culminating in a remarkable $3 million in revenue garnered last year.

The Journey to Full-Time Entrepreneurship

A transformative juncture beckoned as Chew embraced full-time entrepreneurship, fueled by the burgeoning demand for her delectable creations. Encountering a confluence of lucrative opportunities, Chew discerned the intrinsic potential of her cookie business. Driven by a passion to revolutionize the ailing food system, Chew’s odyssey epitomized a quest for sustainable innovation. Her commitment to accessible, wholesome products devoid of synthetic additives heralded a paradigm shift in the culinary landscape.

The Joys of Entrepreneurship

Amidst the ebbs and flows of entrepreneurial fervor, Lauren Chew discovered a profound joy in the journey of perpetual learning. Wrestling with the nuances of business intricacies, Chew embraced a learn-by-doing ethos, refining her competencies with each stride. The kaleidoscopic vista of entrepreneurial demands unfurled vistas of growth, prompting Chew to adapt and evolve in sync with her burgeoning enterprise. A poignant reminder of the essence of purpose, Chew’s narrative echoed the sentiment that genuine love for the craft trumps mere monetary pursuits.

Words of Wisdom

Casting a guiding light for aspiring entrepreneurs, Chew’s counsel reverberated with the essence of initiative and purpose. Encouraging nascent entrepreneurs to take the leap of faith, she emphasized the importance of delving into one’s passion with unwavering commitment. Anchored in a profound “why,” Chew’s advice underscored the resilience needed to weather the storm of challenges inherent in entrepreneurial pursuits. A poignant reminder that entrepreneurship transcends mere financial gains, Chew’s narrative epitomized the essence of passion-driven, purposeful innovation.

View the original article and our Inspiration here

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