Fall 2025 LSA Psychology GSIs

Job Description

University of Michigan Health System

How to Apply

There are 2 rounds to this application process.

Round 1: Apply to job posting # 261537 on the careers.umich.edu website. Applications are DUE by April 8, 2025,

Round 2: Applicants deemed qualified will be notified via email to apply to Round 2 of the application process. Those applicants who are selected for the second round of the application process will be asked to provide one letter of recommendation. Due to the brief timeframe of the selection process, applicants are encouraged to identify faculty who may provide a letter of recommendation (LOR) early, so letters can be submitted promptly in the event applicants are selected for the second round of review. Additional supporting documents will be also be requested for round 2. Wait for Round 2 instructions before submitting a LOR.

Contingent offers will be extended by the end of May.

Course Description

Fall 2025 GSI Job List & Descriptions

It is estimated at this time about 60/80 GSI positions are slotted for current Psychology Ph.D students or students in one of our joint Psychology programs, per their funding plans.

Note – Current course days and times can be viewed in the and Wolverine Access Class Search.

  • LECTURES: Lecture attendance is required. To avoid scheduling conflicts, compare your own course schedule against the schedule for the courses to which you are applying as a GSI.
  • SECTIONS: Discussion sections and lab sections days and times are all listed in the LSA Course Guide. If a course has sections and more than one GSI, hired GSIs will work together to divide up sections assignments after GSIs are hired.
  • Course GSI allocations are subject to change based on enrollment.

FALL 2025 GSI JOB POSTINGS Descriptions by Course:


James Hoeffner,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs are responsible for 3, weekly, 1-hour discussion sections. Discussion sections (1) clarify materials covered in lecture and in the book, (2) introduce new material, and (3) provide a forum for students to discuss what they are learning. Running a discussion section entails preparing a syllabus, preparing weekly lessons, coordinating with the lecture, holding regular office hours, writing and proctoring exams, responding to student emails, grading assignments, maintaining a grade book, and assigning and entering final grades. Please note: GSIs are expected to attend lecture and GSI meetings in which we will discuss pedagogy, lesson plans, and problems. GSIs may hold ?after-hours? review sessions held in the evenings before exams.


Elizabeth Buvinger,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Enthusiastic, articulate, personable GSIs with background in Psychology are needed for Psych 111. GSIs are responsible for three weekly 1 hour discussion sections of 25 students each. Discussion sections are used to (1) clarify materials covered in lectures and texts, (2) engage students in active learning, and (3) provide students a forum to discuss what they are learning in lecture. GSIs will share responsibility for creating lesson plans for each discussion section; each GSI will create the lesson plan for 3 sections. In addition to leading discussion sessions, GSIs are expected to attend the two weekly lectures, one weekly 2-hour GSI meeting (will be scheduled to start between 9am-3pm on Mondays), hold two hours per week of office hours, grade all Canvas submitted assignments, respond to student emails (within one business day of their receipt), submit midterm progress reports, maintain Canvas gradebook, and submit final grades. Pre-semester expectations include creating a section syllabus, creating a Canvas page, and attending 1-2 planning meetings with the entire GSI team. Weekly 2 hour GSI meeting time is TBD, but may be held in the evening if there are too many conflicts during the day. GSIs may be asked for feedback on weekly test questions over the weekend, on rare occasions. There may be times where time-sensitive emails are sent and need a response after work hours and on weekends (usually extenuating circumstances/emergencies with students or grading). Weekly 2 hour GSI meeting is TBA, but may be held in the evening if there are too many conflicts during the day.


Shelly Schreier,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Motivated, resourceful, and dependable graduate students with an interest in the broad field of psychology needed for GSI positions in Introductory Psychology. GSI responsibilities will include grading, keeping track of grades, holding office hours and review sessions. GSIs will also be responsible for some exam preparation, answering student emails, class attendance and attending weekly meetings for planning purposes. Responsibilities may also include finding and organizing class materials. This specific Intro Psych class does not have discussion sections. GSIs are expected to attend lectures in person. GSIs may be expected to do a limited amount of time-sensitive grading or review of documents after hours, although significant effort is made to avoid these situations from occurring.


Brian Malley,

Enthusiastic GSIs needed. The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs are responsible for 3 weekly 1-hour discussion sections. Discussion sections (1) clarify materials covered in lecture and in the book, (2) introduce new material, and (3) provide a forum for students to discuss what they are learning. Running a discussion section entails the following: preparing a syllabus; creating and maintaining Canvas sites; preparing weekly lessons; coordinating with the lecture; holding in-person office hours each week; writing, proctoring, and grading quizzes within 5 business days; responding to student emails in a timely fashion; creating, modifying, administering, and grading assignments and extra credit within 5 business days; maintaining an up-to-date grade book; addressing student complaints; and assigning and entering final grades. Please note: GSIs are required to attend lectures (check in with me at the beginning) and weekly GSI meetings in which we will discuss pedagogy, lesson plans, and problems. GSIs must answer my emails within a day (24 hrs.), every day the sun comes up.


Colleen Seifert,

Project Outreach (Psych 211 and Psych 306) combines experiential learning with academic study. Lecture sections are led by paired GSIs to address a psychological theme and field experiences, including section 100 on development in preschools, section 200 on college mental health promotion, and section 500 on biopsychosocial influences in healthcare. GSIs manage activity across class meetings, field sites, 306 assistants, and Canvas to guide students in reflecting on their learning ?in the wild.?

Outreach GSIs benefit from 1) Academic study in a topic area (development, mental health, or brain, cognitive, or health sciences); 2) Experience with small group facilitation; 3) Strong project management, communication, and organizational skills; and 4) Personal experience with field site placements. (Please indicate your fit with these lecture topics.)

Responsibilities before the term: It is important to note that effort in Outreach is front-loaded with advance preparation before the teaching term begins. The instructor provides common 211 and 306 syllabi, course policies, and Canvas pages. GSIs collaboratively prepare their lecture section curriculum with weekly Canvas modules including speaker presentations, reading and media assignments, tailored written assignments, and discussion plans.

During the term: Class meetings are scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in the late afternoon. GSIs lead weekly two-hour sessions where they host speakers, supervise learning activities, and guide students in fieldwork. They meet for an added hour to mentor 306 students who facilitate small groups, plan discussion activities, and grade assignments. GSIs manage the Canvas pages and gradebooks for 211 and 306, grade 306 work weekly, and meet with students by request (in person or remote) to support their progress.

The Outreach teaching team collaborates closely, and GSIs must attend the instructional team meeting on Fridays from 12-1:30 pm and their scheduled lecture section meetings each week. Quick responses within 24 hours are needed for emergent management concerns and emails from students, placement sites, and teaching team members.


Gideon Rothschild,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs teach three weekly discussion sections, hold office hours, and lead neuroanatomy demonstrations (sheep brain dissections) in their sections. GSIs also attend lectures, so as to be able to further explain lecture material as needed in the discussion sections. Grading duties: GSIs proctor and grade the 3 exams given in lecture, and they also grade one Discussion Quiz, one Reaction Essay and one Term Project by students in their sections. GSIs host Q&A review sessions before lecture exams, and they assist in coordinating course duties, such as arranging brain dissections in Discussion Sections and compiling final grades. GSIs attend weekly GSI meetings to coordinate material and discuss ongoing issues. Some sections may meet in the evening (e.g. 6-7pm). GSIs hold weekly office hours that may be outside of business hours (per GSI decision). GSIs hold exam review sessions that may be outside of business hours. GSIs have a weekly 1h GSI meeting that may be outside of business hours. Replies to the students and course instructor may need to occur outside of business hours if they are time sensitive, such as right before exams. COMPETENCIES: solid background in the neurosciences, particularly neuronal membrane signal conduction and synaptic signaling mechanisms, and familiarity with behavioral neuroscience.


Jennifer Cummings,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: The GSI will be responsible for teaching 3 discussion sections/week, holding 3 hours of office hours per week, and answering student emails. GSIs are required to attend lectures and be sufficiently familiar with the course content to be able to assist students in need of extra support. (If a GSI needs to spend time learning the material for themselves, that time should not count toward their allocated weekly hours.) Some discussion sections may occur in the evenings. GSIs will assist the instructor with several aspects of the course, including development of lesson plans and assignments, coordinating sheep brain dissections (which are conducted in discussion section, but the coordination set-up, clean up, and practice may happen outside of business hours, depending on GSI and lab space availability), and help prepare and grade 3 exams. GSIs will also track participation points in discussion, grade course-related assignments, and compute grades for their sections. GSIs are allowed (but not required) to teach a lecture. GSIs will meet once/week with the instructor for course planning, as well as be available via email throughout the week and weekend (as needed). GSIs are expected to answer instructor emails within one day, including on weekends.

Psych 240 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (0.5 FTE)

Molly Simmonite,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs are required to conduct three one-hour discussion sections per week – this includes preparing lessons/activities, administering weekly quizzes, and coordinating with lecture. Additional requirements include attending lectures; assisting in preparing, administering, and scoring of exams; helping students (by holding office hours and review sessions, answer emails); attending weekly meetings with instructor; grading a short paper that students produce. Maintain grade book, assign/enter final grades.GSIs hold review sessions, which may be outside of business hours. Additionally, the weekly GSI meetings may be held in the evenings if we cannot find a time during business hours. COMPETENCIES: Excellent knowledge of cognitive psychology.

Psych 240-020 INTRODUCTION TO COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY ( 0.5 FTE), Lectures TuTh 11:30am-1:00pm

John M. Snodgrass,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSI conducts three 1-hour discussion sections per week. Running a discussion section entails preparing a syllabus, preparing weekly lessons related to lecture/class material, administering/grading weekly quizzes, coordinating with the lecture, responding to student (and instructor) emails on a timely basis, and holding regular office hours. Attend lecture. Assist in preparing, administering, and scoring of exams. Weekly GSI meetings with instructor to discuss pedagogy, lesson plans, and student issues. Prepare questions for practice quizzes and exams. Help administer and proctor class exams. Maintain grade book, assign/enter final grades. Depending on everyone’s schedules, the weekly GSI meeting may need to be outside normal business hours. Also, I expect GSI to answer emails within a day, including over weekends/etc., if some matter requiring rapid action occurs.COMPETENCIES: Excellent knowledge of cognitive psychology.

Psych 240-050 INTRODUCTION TO COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY ( 0.5 FTE), Lectures TuTh 2:30pm-4:00pm

John M. Snodgrass,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSI conducts three 1-hour discussion sections per week. Running a discussion section entails preparing a syllabus, preparing weekly lessons related to lecture/class material, administering/grading weekly quizzes, coordinating with the lecture, responding to student (and instructor) emails on a timely basis, and holding regular office hours. Attend lecture. Assist in preparing, administering, and scoring of exams. Weekly GSI meetings with instructor to discuss pedagogy, lesson plans, and student issues. Prepare questions for practice quizzes and exams. Help administer and proctor class exams. Maintain grade book, assign/enter final grades. Depending on everyone’s schedules, the weekly GSI meeting may need to be outside normal business hours. Also, I expect GSI to answer emails within a day, including over weekends/etc., if some matter requiring rapid action occurs.COMPETENCIES: Excellent knowledge of cognitive psychology.


Ioulia Kovelman,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs prepare and lead 3 discussion sections each week; hold weekly office hours, conduct review sessions; attend weekly GSI meeting; attend all lectures; grade papers, and compute final grades; COMPETENCIES: Excellent knowledge of developmental psychology; clear communication style; works well with others and is a collaborative team player; enthusiasm for working with students; previous teaching experience desirable.


Dina Gohar,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Passionate, articulate, and personable GSIs with background in Social Psychology are needed for Psych 280. GSIs are responsible for leading three weekly 1 hour discussion sections of 25 students each. Discussion sections are used to (1) demonstrate and/or clarify content covered, (2) engage students in active learning, and (3) provide students a forum to discuss what they are learning in lecture. GSIs will share responsibility for creating lesson plans for each discussion section. GSIs are also expected to learn and teach using different discussion-facilitation techniques, such as ?cold calling? students by name and ?warm calling? on students with advanced notice, and assess students? participation each week as a part of an ongoing study on the most inclusive pedagogical techniques. Trained observers also observe each discussion section periodically (e.g,middle and end of the term) so that student participation can be assessed more accurately. A weekly 60-90 minute meeting with the other GSIs will be held to coordinate and review discussion section progress. GSIs are also expected to help write the 2 Exams and cumulative Final Exam (mostly multiple choice with some short answer questions), which will likely entail evening or weekend meetings. Additionally, GSIs should attend weekly lectures (and are encouraged to deliver a lecture for their pedagogical development), hold at least two hours per week of office hours, respond to student emails (within one business day of their receipt), grade all exams/assignments, and maintain the Canvas Gradebook, and submit final grades. Some sections may meet in the evening. GSIs will help write and finalize the 2 midterms and Final Exam in 3 hour meetings likely outside of working hours. GSIs may also lead up to 3 exam review sessions (1 hour each) that are likely to be scheduled outside normal working hours to accommodate the most students. Weekly 1.5 hour GSI meeting is TBA and hopefully during business hours, but may be held in the evening if there are too many conflicts during the day. I also expect GSIs to answer emails within 24-48 hours, including over weekends/etc., if some matter requiring rapid action occurs.


Daniel Weissman,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: This laboratory course provides students with ?hands on? research experience in cognitive psychology/neuroscience. Each GSI leads TWO 80-minute laboratory sections per week (20 students per section) in person, creates a syllabus for their sections on Canvas, attends ONE 80-minute lecture given by the professor per week in person, and attends ONE 80-minute GSI meeting just after the weekly lecture ends in person. GSIs also proctor in-class exams in person, answer student questions over email within one business day, during weekly office hours (2 hours per week), and at individually scheduled times (if needed). GSIs also prepare lesson plans and other materials for laboratory sections (most of these can be re-used from prior semesters) and assist with preparing questions for multiple-choice exams. Finally, GSIs provide feedback on and grade first drafts of writing assignments, grade final versions of writing assignments, grade other assignments (e.g. oral presentations and other lab activities), keep track of attendance at lab section, grade participation in lab activities, enter and keep track of course grades in Canvas, enter final grades from Canvas into Wolverine Access, and collaborate and consult with the instructor and other GSIs as needed in.person or over email (responding to emails within one day). Since weekly GSI meetings occur right after the lecture, they could occur outside of normal business hours (e.g., from 4-5:30 PM). Providing personalized feedback or grading individual student writing assignments may also occur outside of normal business hours but this is done on Canvas and does not involve attending an additional scheduled meeting. Finally, it is possible that the midterm or final exam could be scheduled outside of normal business hours.

COMPETENCIES: Basic understanding of experimental design, statistics, cognitive psychology, and functional MRI (e.g., from undergraduate coursework or the summer fMRI course at U of M). Good oral/written communication skills and enthusiasm for teaching are also desirable. Since this course satisfies the Upper Level Writing Requirement in LSA, GSIs must have previously taken, or concurrently take, the one-credit course, WRITING 993: Teaching Writing in the Disciplines ( ).

Psych 303 RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY: ADVANCED LAB (pending 0.6 FTE. ULWR); Lecture Tue 10am-1130am

Thore Bergman,

International students are not eligible to hold 0.6 GSI appointments (0.6 standard weekly workload of 24 hours is greater than 20 hour/week limit for international students). The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: This laboratory course provides an introductory ?how to? guide to conducting research in psychology, including library research, study design, data collection and basic analyses, and APA-style writing. GSIs attend lectures (80 min/wk) and a team meeting each week. GSIs work with students in their lab sections on active learning projects emphasizing ?hands on? activity rather than lecture. Several projects involve leading students in using Qualtrics and Excel, along with JASP, R, or SPSS for data analysis.

Each GSI is responsible for supervising two student lab sections, with activities planned collaboratively each week by the teaching team. GSIs also collaboratively prepare lesson plans and other materials for laboratory sections (though initial materials are provided). Finally, GSIs provide feedback on rough drafts of student writing assignments, grade final versions of writing assignments, grade other assignments (e.g., discussions and other lab activities), track their sections? grades, hold office hours (2 hours/week), respond to student emails within 24 hrs on weekdays, and collaborate and consult with the instructor and GSI teaching team as needed/desired. If there are too many scheduling conflicts, some regular meetings may occur outside business hours.

Because this course meets the Upper Level Writing Requirement in LSA, GSIs must have previously taken or concurrently take the 1-credit course, WRITING 993: Teaching Writing in the Disciplines ( )

Psych 303 RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY: ADVANCED LAB (pending 0.6 FTE. ULWR). Lecture Mon 4pm-530pm

Alex Wasserman,

International students are not eligible to hold 0.6 GSI appointments (0.6 standard weekly workload of 24 hours is greater than 20 hour/week limit for international students). The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: This laboratory course provides an introductory ?how to? guide to conducting research in psychology, including library research, study design, data collection and basic analyses, and APA-style writing. GSIs attend lectures (80 min/wk) and a team meeting team meeting each week. GSIs work with students in their lab sections on active learning projects emphasizing ?hands on? activity rather than lecture. Several projects involve leading students in using Qualtrics and Excel, along with JASP, R, or SPSS for data analysis.

Each GSI is responsible for supervising two student lab sections, with activities planned collaboratively each week by the teaching team. GSIs also collaboratively prepare lesson plans and other materials for laboratory sections (though initial materials are provided). Finally, GSIs provide feedback on rough drafts of student writing assignments, grade final versions of writing assignments, grade other assignments (e.g., discussions and other lab activities), track their sections? grades, hold office hours (2 hours/week), respond to student emails within 24 hrs on weekdays, and collaborate and consult with the instructor and GSI teaching team as needed/desired. If there are too many scheduling conflicts, some regular meetings may occur outside business hours.

Because this course meets the Upper Level Writing Requirement in LSA, GSIs must have previously taken or concurrently take the 1-credit course, WRITING 993: Teaching Writing in the Disciplines ( )


Patricia Reuter-Lorenz,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Students in Psych 345 attend two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour discussion section a week. GSIs lead the discussion sections, which are not a review of lecture but introduce new material. Access to previous materials and a weekly guide of what should be covered is provided to minimize prep time and to ensure content is consistent across sections.

Weekly GSI time commitment: attend two 1-hour lectures, lead/teach two 2-hour discussion sections, attend one team meeting (2 hours or less), hold office hours (2 hours). Responsibilities for discussion section include: 1) preparation of presentation materials; 2) leading guided discussions about patient case studies and videos; 3) creating learning activities (if desired); 4) proctoring quizzes (grading is done automatically by Canvas); 5) working with the instructor and GSI team to generate new quiz and exam questions; 6) grading assignments, and discussion leading group projects. Other responsibilities include: 1) proctoring exams and grading short answers (two or three 1-hour in-class exams, each exam has 1 short answer question); 2) holding weekly office hours; 3) entering grades on Canvas, 4) record keeping regarding accommodations, and 4) responding to student emails as necessary.

Some sections may meet in the evening. Review sessions prior to exams may also be scheduled for evening hours. There are 3 exams, so there may be up to 3 review sessions (1 hour each) that would likely take place outside normal working hours. Weekly 1-2 hour GSI meeting is TBA, but may be held in the evening if there are too many conflicts during the day.

COMPETENCIES: Familiarity either in neuroscience, biopsychology, or cognitive psychology. Excellent communication, organizational skills, and timely completion of work are necessary, as is an enthusiasm for teaching. The GSIs and I are a teaching team, so the ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively is a must.


Joshua Rabinowitz,

GSI leads 3 discussion sections 002-004 per week (see times listed in ! Section times can not be changed and GSI must be available to teach all 3 sections). GSI records student attendance at discussion sections; grades papers, a creative project, and exams; and assists in planning papers, activities, exam reviews, and exam questions. Some sections may be devoted to showing videos, movies, etc., which requires the GSI to arrange details. The GSI will meet briefly with the instructor on a regular or periodic basis to discuss discussion section activities and guidelines for grading. The GSI is expected to attend lectures or to keep up on the material in consultation with the lead instructor. The GSI is invited to guest lecture on a relevant topic. A weekly 1-hour instructional meeting might be held in the evening if there are too many conflicts during normal business hours. GSI might choose to hold two exam-review sessions in the evening. COMPETENCIES: Interest in social psychology or personality psychology or political science or history; sensitivity to diversity issues.


Andras Molnar,

The GSI will be responsible for:

  1. Attending lectures in person (two 1.5 hour sessions per week);
  2. Recording and keeping track of lecture attendance;
  3. Assisting with holding live in-class demonstrations of experiments;
  4. Assisting with creating quizzes, written assignment prompts and rubrics;
  5. Grading individual student assignments (weekly, 10x total), group project proposals, group project final papers, and group project final presentations;
  6. Mentoring student groups (4-5 students per group) throughout the semester while students are working on their final group projects.Occasional meetings with student groups may be held during evenings if there are too many scheduling conflicts during the day.
  7. Holding weekly office hours (these can be online, and/or by request);
  8. Responding to student emails in a timely manner consistent with primary instructor?s expectations (within two business days);
  9. Meeting with the instructor (and other GSIs if there are more GSIs) each week to discuss in-class activities during lectures, take-home assignments, guidelines for grading, and other relevant topics;
  10. Attend other meetings as requested by instructor following GEO Contract;
  11. Maintaining and organizing course records (e.g., Canvas Gradebook, iClicker, spreadsheets);
  12. Assisting in maintenance of the course website (Canvas).

REQUIRED COMPETENCIES: (a) knowledge of the judgment and decision psychology literature; (b) familiarity with Canvas.

PREFERRED COMPETENCIES: a) experience with conducting simple behavioral experiments; (b) experience with team-based teaching and group mentoring.


Alexander Wasserman,

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs will assist with several aspects of the course and will attend lectures and weekly meetings with the instructor. Responsibilities include supporting student learning by holding office hours, arranging computer lab sessions, fielding questions via email, and helping maintain the course Canvas site. Responsibilities also include participating in student evaluations by assisting the instructor with the development of quizzes, creating video tutorials, problem sets, and exams, and by grading and preparing answer keys. GSIs must have a strong foundation in ANOVA/regression, a familiarity with other course content, and a solid background in statistical computing with SPSS and/or R. Weekly office hours (2 hours) and GSI meetings (1 hour) as well as occasional meetings about grading or with students may be held during evenings if there are too many scheduling conflicts during the day.

End of List


Additional GSI job responsibilities are included in, but not limited to, the items listed for each specific position in the GSI course descriptions. Hired GSIs are required to attend their course’s weekly lectures in person unless noted otherwise.

The GSI employment appointment period for Fall 2025 Term runs 8/25/2025 to 12/31/2025. Hired GSIs are expected to be available for any listed training, orientations, or GSI course responsibilities prior to the appointment period as noted in the Fraction Calculation Form and job description, and to be available to work in person throughout the appointment period and term.


TRAININGS ARE REQUIRED AS PART OF YOUR GSI OFFER. It is your responsibility to plan your travel, etc., around these training sessions.

FIRST TIME GSIs for the Psychology Department are required to attend all of the following trainings:
1. Psychology Department New GSI Orientation: August 2025 Date TBA – (9am-2pm).
2. Center for Research on Learning and Teaching GSI Orientation (CRLT GSITO): Canvas course with required asynchronous and synchronous components. Opens August 2025 (exact dates TBA). NOTE: If you previously GSI?d in another department at U of M and already attended the CRLT GSITO, you do not have to attend again).

3. DPSS Training – TBA

ALL RETURNING GSIs, who have taught for the Psych Dept. in a PRIOR Term:
1. DPSS Training – TBA

2. It is recommended returning Psych GSIs attend a CRLT Seminar during the Fall 2025 term. Seminars will be listed on the CRLT website closer to the start of the term – http://www.crlt.umich.edu/events .

In addition, ALL students hired as Psychology GSIs are required to take U of M’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Online Training Module, RO 100: FERPA, through This only needs to be taken once.

Required Qualifications*

Applicant must be a graduate student in good standing at the University of Michigan. Applicant must not have exceeded the College’s Ten Term Rule. Additional qualifications are listed for each specific position in the GSI course descriptions.

Graduate students hired as GSIs (0.5 or higher appointment) for a Psychology course should not hold another 0.5 appointment (GSI/GSRA/Staff) during the same term.

Students who did not attend an English-speaking undergraduate institution must be evaluated by the English Language Institute (ELI) for English proficiency and either pass the GSI-OET, or have this test waived by the ELI before they can be eligible for a GSI Appointment in LSA.

ALL GSIs who are teaching courses for the first time which include a Sweetland Writing Center percentage (ULWR courses) are required to attend the Writing 993 (1 credit) training course in the Fall 2025 term.

Desired Qualifications*

Additional qualifications are listed for each specific position in the GSI course descriptions. Priority will be given to current LSA graduate students

Modes of Work

All Fall 2025 LSA Psychology Department Graduate Student Instructor positions are onsite positions. GSIs are required to teach in person on campus throughout the entire Fall term, including following final exams.

Contact Information

Carefully read entire job posting and all instructions on how to apply. If you have questions, contact Megan Wolgast ( ) in the Psychology Student Affairs Office, 1343 EH.

Decision Making Process

Faculty review applications for positions in their courses and note their preferences and indicate any applicants deemed unqualified.

Selection Process

Faculty recommendations, relevance to graduate training and academic preparation for teaching the course are considered. Psychology Ph. D graduate students will have priority in placement, and then current LSA graduate students.

GEO Contract Information

The University will not discriminate against any applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, familial status, parental status or pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression (whether actual or perceived), sexual orientation, age, height, weight, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, HIV antibody status, political belief, membership in any social or political organization, participation in a grievance or complaint whether formal or informal, medical conditions including those related to pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, arrest record, or any other factor where the item in question will not interfere with job performance and where the employee is otherwise qualified. The University of Michigan agrees to abide by the protections afforded employees with disabilities as outlined in the rules and regulations which implement Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Information for the Office for Institutional Equity may be found at and for the University Ombuds at

Unsuccessful applications will be retained for consideration in the event that there are last minute openings for available positions. In the event that an employee does not receive their preferred assignment, they can request a written explanation or an in-person interview with the hiring agents(s) to be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time.

This position, as posted, is subject to a collective bargaining agreement between the Regents of the University of Michigan and the Graduate Employees’ Organization, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO 3550.

Standard Practice Guide 601.38, Required Disclosure of Felony Charges and/or Felony Convictions applies to all Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs). SPG 601.38 may be accessed online at , and its relation to your employment can be found in MOU 10 of your employment contract.

U-M EEO Statement

The University of Michigan is an equal employment opportunity employer.


To apply, please visit the following URL:https://www.jobmonkeyjobs.com/career/26611688/Fall-2025-Lsa-Psychology-Gsis-Michigan-Ann-Arbor-1233/→