Mastering the Art of Providing Feedback to Your Supervisor (Plus Key Errors to Steer Clear Of)

How To Give Feedback To Your Manager (And Costly Mistakes To Avoid)

Mastering the Art of Providing Feedback to Your Manager

Ever wondered if it’s acceptable to provide feedback to your manager? In reality, giving feedback to your boss is no easy feat. Not only do power differentials come into play, but many individuals lack the necessary skills for delivering feedback effectively.

While some organizations, like Netflix, set the gold standard by fostering a culture of candid feedback, not all companies are as receptive to such levels of openness and honesty.

Continue reading to discover the best way to deliver feedback to your manager and avoid common pitfalls.

Understanding What Not to Do When Giving Feedback to Your Manager

Let’s dive into what you should avoid when providing feedback to your boss. Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of:

Avoid Providing Feedback When Emotionally Charged

To begin, refrain from offering feedback when you’re feeling upset or anxious. Sharing feedback in such states can lead to regrettable statements or a less constructive delivery of feedback. If you’ve had a challenging workday, take the time to cool off, process your emotions, and organize your thoughts before approaching your boss.

Avoid Excessively Nitpicking

Additionally, avoid nitpicking every detail when giving feedback to your boss. While you shouldn’t tolerate a toxic work environment or an abusive manager, part of working with others involves accepting their idiosyncrasies, including those of leadership.

Ensure a Balance of Positive and Negative Feedback

When offering feedback to your boss, strive to provide both positive and constructive criticism. Utilizing a framework like Stop-Start-Continue can help structure your feedback effectively.

Avoid Delivering Negative Feedback Publicly

If you need to share negative or critical feedback with your boss, refrain from doing so in public settings. Public criticism is likely to put your boss on the defensive, affecting the impact of your feedback.

Be Direct and Specific with Feedback

Avoid beating around the bush when providing feedback. Vague feedback lacks clarity and may not effectively convey the necessary information to the recipient. Be specific and direct in your feedback, highlighting actionable areas for improvement.

Avoid Using the “Feedback Sandwich”

Burying constructive feedback within a “feedback sandwich” can obscure the message for the recipient. Clear and transparent feedback is a valuable gift, even if it may be uncomfortable to deliver initially.

Timeliness in Delivering Feedback

While it’s essential to give feedback thoughtfully, avoid delaying feedback for too long. Resurfacing old grievances months later may diminish the relevance and impact of your feedback.

Best Practices for Providing Feedback to Your Manager

Now that we’ve explored what not to do, let’s delve into some effective strategies for providing feedback to your boss:

Select an Appropriate Setting

Choosing the right time and place is pivotal when providing feedback. Ensure your boss is in a receptive state of mind and deliver feedback in a private setting, such as during a one-on-one meeting.

Strategically Choose Your Battles

Prioritize your feedback topics and avoid overwhelming your manager by addressing one or two issues at a time. Start with low-stakes topics to gauge your boss’s response before moving on to more critical matters.

Maintain a Balance between Positive and Constructive Feedback

Research highlights the importance of maintaining a positive-negative interaction ratio. Prioritize positive interactions with your boss and ensure your feedback provides a healthy mix of appreciation and areas for growth.

Emphasize Specificity in Feedback

Follow a structured feedback formula to ensure your input is specific and actionable. Address your feelings, the context, and your desired outcome when providing feedback to your boss.

Offer Solutions Alongside Feedback

Providing potential solutions alongside your feedback demonstrates a proactive approach to problem-solving. Be prepared to offer constructive suggestions that align with your desired outcomes.

Prompt Delivery of Feedback

Similar to fresh coffee, feedback is best served promptly. While allowing time for reflection is essential, aim to provide feedback in a timely manner to effectively address the situation.

Remain Open to Reciprocal Feedback

Feedback is a two-way street. Be open to receiving feedback and be willing to adapt and grow based on the input you receive. Embrace feedback as a tool for personal and professional development.

Conclusion: Navigating the Feedback Landscape with Your Boss

Remember, mastering the art of providing feedback to your manager takes time and practice. Few individuals are naturally adept at delivering feedback, and organizational cultures vary in their acceptance of authentic communication. Embrace the journey, practice regularly, and build your confidence in delivering impactful feedback. You’re capable of mastering this essential skill!

View the original article and our Inspiration here

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