Terminology You Should Know: Tech Career World

The Ultimate Glossary Of Tech Career Jargon And Vocabulary

Tech Industry Terminology

Communication in the tech industry can often feel like deciphering a secret code. From acronyms to slang, navigating these terms can be a challenge for newcomers and seasoned professionals alike. So, let’s delve into the intricate world of tech jargon and demystify some common terms you’re likely to encounter.

General Tech Terms

  • A/B Test: An experiment to test different options for user experiences.
  • Agile: A methodology emphasizing rapid iteration and adaptability in software development.
  • API: A way for different software components to communicate with each other.
  • Backend: The part of a software system that users do not interact with.
  • Big Data: A large volume of data, typically generated by numerous users.
  • Bugs: Issues or errors in software code.
  • C-Suite: The top executives in a company, often including the CFO, CTO, and COO.
  • Cloud: Storage and computational resources accessed over the internet.
  • Database: A system for storing and organizing data.
  • Data Modeling: The process of structuring data for efficient storage and retrieval.
  • Devops: Teams responsible for the seamless integration of development and operations processes.
  • Equity refresh: Additional stock grants given to employees to retain talent.
  • Frontend: The user-facing part of a software application.
  • Full-stack: A developer proficient in both frontend and backend technologies.
  • Ideate: The tech term for brainstorming and generating ideas.
  • Noob: A newcomer or someone lacking experience in a particular area.
  • OKRs: Objectives and Key Results, a goal-setting framework.
  • Offline: Discussing a topic outside of a formal meeting.
  • Perf cycle: The performance evaluation cycle for employees.
  • Performance Improvement Plan: A formal process for addressing subpar performance.
  • Ping: To send a message or notification.
  • Project Manager: Individuals responsible for overseeing project timelines and coordination.
  • Product Manager: Leaders responsible for product strategy and execution.
  • QA: Quality Assurance, the process of ensuring software quality.
  • Responsive: Designing applications to work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Scrum: A framework for agile project management and collaboration.
  • Sprint: A defined period during which specific tasks are completed.
  • Software: Programs and applications that run on computers and other devices.
  • Total Compensation: The totality of an individual’s compensation package.
  • Traffic: The volume of data or users accessing a platform.
  • UI: User Interface, the visual design and layout of software applications.
  • UX: User Experience, the overall experience of users interacting with a product.
  • Version control: A system for tracking changes in software code.
  • Waterfall: A traditional approach to software development characterized by sequential phases.

Google Terminology

  • GVC: Google Video Call, an internal tool for video conferencing.
  • Memegen: An internal meme generator for sharing humor within Google.
  • Microkitchen: Small kitchens stocked with snacks and beverages in Google offices.
  • Noogler: A new employee at Google.
  • GRAD: Google Reviews and Development, the performance evaluation system at Google.
  • Googleyness: Adherence to Google’s values and culture.
  • Support check-in: Indication of poor performance at Google.
  • TGIF: Google’s weekly all-hands meeting.
  • Xoogler: Former Google employees community.

Amazon Terminology

  • Back-weighted Equity: Amazon’s equity grant structure emphasizing vesting towards the end of the grant period.
  • Hire to Fire: Amazon’s practice of letting go of a percentage of employees annually.
  • Leadership Principles: Amazon’s guiding principles for problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Focus: A performance improvement plan at Amazon.
  • Forte: Amazon’s tool for employee feedback.
  • Peak: Amazon’s busiest e-commerce season.
  • Pivot: A severe indication of performance issues at Amazon.

Microsoft Terminology

  • Contoso: A fictional company used in Microsoft training materials.
  • Connect: Employee documentation for performance reviews at Microsoft.
  • Little r me: Microsoft slang for directing replies in email threads.
  • OOF: Microsoft’s term for out of office status.
  • Perspective: Peer feedback process at Microsoft.
  • Talent Reviews: Microsoft’s performance calibration sessions.
  • SSAs: Special Stock Awards at Microsoft.

Understanding these terms is crucial for effective communication and collaboration in the tech industry. If you encounter any unfamiliar jargon, don’t hesitate to seek clarification and expand your knowledge base!

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